May 1, 2009

Attendees of scientific-practical conference `Islamic culture and dialogue in modern world` visit Heydar Aliyev Foundation

May 1, attendees of scientific-practical conference “Islamic culture and dialogue in the modern world” held in Baku visited the Heydar Aliyev Foundation.

Guests were informed of formation and multilateral activities of the Foundation named after the national leader of our people.


They viewed the exhibits reflecting childhood and youth of the prominent politician, his multilateral actions in Moscow as one of leaders of USSR, model of Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan pipeline route, were familiarized with certificate and diploma of secondary and higher schools from which the national leader graduated with excellent marks, honor certificate for excellent education and exemplary moral, references characterized with only positive qualities in collectives he worked, as well photographs taken in different points of former USSR, cities and districts of our republic, objects in his office.


Attendees of the conference were told the great leader always rendered huge care to figures of science and culture.


They expressed rich impression of familiarization with the Foundation, signed the guest book.