November 16, 2013

A state reception devoted to the 22nd anniversary of Azerbaijan’s state independence was held in Israel

A state reception devoted to the 22nd anniversary of Azerbaijan’s state independence was held at Tel-Aviv’s “Dan Panorama” Hotel. The reception was organized by “AzIz” International Association,  with support from the Heydar Aliyev Foundation, Foreign Affairs Ministry of Israel and Caspian Drilling Company, within the events on the occasion of Azerbaijan’s Independence Day.


Deputy of the Milli Majlis Samad Seyidov, Director of the Jewish Centre in Baku  Emilia Khudiyeva, Foreign Affairs Minister of Israel Avigdor Lieberman, deputies of Knesset, ambassadors of a number of   states, as well as representatives of Russian- and Ivrit-language media  participated at the reception.


Among honoured guests were also well-known businessmen, including representatives of Israel’s largest oil companies.


Foreign Affairs Minister of Israel Avigdor Lieberman  congratulated the people of Azerbaijan on this state holiday, talked about friendly relations between the people of Azerbaijan and the Jewish people.


Barshtak’s quartet performed at the event with a special program. Famous works by Azerbaijani composers Uzeir Hajibeyov, Gara Garayev, Tofig Gouliyev, as well as  popular songs were performed within the program.


Participants of the event were presented a booklet and a disk with a video film talking of main events from “The Days of Azerbaijan held in 2013 in Israel”.