Conference due to the 19th anniversary of the tragedy committed by Armenians in the Azerbaijani town of Khojaly was held in Moscow in frame of international information campaign 'Justice for Khojaly' by the Embassy of Azerbaijan in Russia, Representation of Heydar Aliyev Foundation in Russia, All-Russian Azerbaijanis Congress (ARAC), Azerbaijani Youth Organization of Russia (AYOR) and OIC Youth Forum.
Held at the Bolshoi Petrovsky Hall of President-hotel Hotel Complex in Moscow, the conference discussed the works done within campaign 'Justice for Khojaly' to deliver the truth about Khojaly tragedy to the world community and punishing the guilty.
the official part of the conference, Secretary General of OIC Youth Forum
Elshad Isgandarov expressed gratitude to the participants for supporting the
fair position of
Leila Aliyeva, the initiator of this campaign, Chairperson of AYOR, Vice President of Heydar Aliyev Foundation, General Coordinator of OIC Youth Forum, addressed the conference.
She said the act of genocide committed against civilians in Khojaly, which massacred innocent people, including children, women and elderly, is the most horrible and bloody tragedy in the history of the Armenia-Azerbaijan, Daghlig Garabagh conflict. She mentioned attendees of this conference and millions of people who support international campaign 'Justice for Khojaly' cannot be indifferent to the legal, moral and humane assessment of this tragedy by international community. According to her, this is a terrible injustice that the executors and clients of the crime committed in Khojaly remain unpunished.
L.Aliyeva said: ‘Our campaign’s goal is to provide the truth to the international community about the Armenia-Azerbaijan, Daghlig Garabagh conflict and unbearable conditions of refugees and IDPs. Our lands are still under occupation, Armenian murderers have mercilessly killed innocent people to get their disgusting goals. Achieving the recognition of Khojaly tragedy by the international community as a crime against humanity and act of genocide is a duty to every Azerbaijani, including me. This crime must not be repeated any more’.
Aliyeva underlined Heydar Aliyev Foundation arranges events on Kojaly tragedy
in 70 countries. The Foundation holds conferences, memorial ceremonies,
publishes books, manuals, DVDs, makes films. As part of international campaign
'Justice for Khojaly', which was launched in 2008, hundreds of actions are held
all over the world. Conferences, workshops, rallies are held almost in all EU
member states, CIS, Asia, South and
The Vice President of Heydar Aliyev Foundation noted the text of the petition is available on our site and has been signed by over 140.000 people.
stated today the Organization presents the new interesting version of its site.
‘Also today we present a book by Robert Arakelov. This book contains fair and
correct information on Khojaly tragedy. One of the most important events of our
campaign has symbolically been held in
She expressed hope the Armenia-Azerbaijan, Daghlig Garabagh conflict will soon be resolved peacefully, territorial integrity of Azerbaijan will be restored, refugees and IDPs will return to native lands.
Azerbaijani Ambassador to Russia Polad Bulbuloglu spoke about the significance of the international campaign about Khojaly tragedy and activities of the country's leadership towards the fair settlement of the Armenia-Azerbaijan, Daghlig Garabagh conflict.
ARAC President Mammad Aliyev, Azerbaijani MP, writer-publicist Elmira Akhundova, Head of European Studies Department at Ural Federal University, professor Alexander Nesterov, Moscow Coordinator of campaign ‘Justice for Khojaly’ Kristina Mojayeva and Russian political scientist Alexei Vlasov mentioned different aspects of our country’s information policy for assuring awareness in the world on the tragedy of our people, called on being fair, punish the perpetuators of this bloody tragedy in frame of international law and universal norms.
The participants signed the petition on
More than 600 visitors, Turkish and Paraguayan ambassadors in Russia, delegates of diplomatic missions in Moscow, Russian Foreign Ministry, intellectuals, scientific and creative circles of the capital, Azerbaijani diaspora, mass media, students of higher schools in Moscow and regions were present in the event.
A book titled 'Confession of an Armenian intellectual' by Robert Arakelov was presented during the event.
‘Justice for Khojaly’ was continued by the youth in 27 regions of