On 8-31 July 2014, Days of Azerbaijani Culture were held in the city of Cannes, France, under the slogan of “Azerbaijan: The Land of Traditions and Future”, with the organizational support of the Heydar Aliyev Foundation.
To this end, the city of Cannes and public transport was decorated with banners promoting Azerbaijan.
Exhibitions reflecting our country’s history and traditions, and its modern art, concerts with mugham, classic and jazz music were organized, and our national cuisine was presented within the framework of the Days of Azerbaijani Culture.
Evening of Azerbaijani jazz
On July 8, the Days of Azerbaijani Culture started in the city of Cannes with a concert program entitled “Azerbaijani Jazz”.
Azerbaijan’s First Lady, President of the Heydar Aliyev Foundation Mehriban Aliyeva attended the concert.
Compositions reflecting the history of Azerbaijani jazz and its modern improvisations were performed.
Visitors of the evening were presented books prepared by the Heydar Aliyev Foundation, reflecting Azerbaijan’s history, national and modern music traditions.
Presentation of "Baku-2015" first European Games
Presentation of "Baku-2015" first European Games took place within the framework of the Days of Azerbaijani Culture in the city of Cannes, July 9.
Chairperson of the European Games’ Organising Committee Mehriban Aliyeva, mayor of the city of Cannes David Lisnard, President of the French Olympic and Sports Committee Danny Masseglia delivered a speech at the ceremony.
A video-presentation devoted to "Baku-2015" first Euroepan Games took place and Azerbaijani masters of art performed with a concert programme at the ceremony
After the dinner-party associated with the presentation, fireworks show took place in the Croisette Boulevard of the city of Cannes under the Azerbaijani music.
The exhibition “Azerbaijan: A Land of Traditions and Future”
On July 10, inauguration of the exhibition “Azerbaijan: A Land of Traditions and Future” took place at the Festivals and Congresses Palace in the city of Cannes.
President of the Heydar Aliyev Foundation Mehriban Aliyeva, director of the Festivals and Congresses Palace Claire-Ann Rex, member of the French National Assembly, chairperson of the Association of Friends of Azerbaijan Jean-Francois Monselle delivered a speech at the opening ceremony.
The objective of organising the exhibition “Azerbaijan: The Land of Traditions and Future”, which includes a few exhibitions, is to promote Azerbaijan’s old and rich history and culture abroad.
Paintings of Azerbaijani artists devoted to France, all directions of the Azerbaijani carpet school, wide-range of hundreds years-old carpets and carpet products, samples of coppersmithery, national garments, national music instruments, and ceramic items found during archaeological diggings were exhibited at the exhibition. A stand-alone section was created at the exhibition as a continuation of the exhibitions organized by the Heydar Aliyev Foundation on the occasion of Nizami Ganjavi’s 870 jubilee in various countries. Visitors were presented publications about Azerbaijan published by the Heydar Aliyev Foundation.
Then a concert by the Gara Garayev State Chamber Orchestra, conducted by People’s Artist Teymour Goychayev, took place at the Festivals Palace of Cannes.
The exhibition continued until July 31st.
March devoted to "Baku-2015" first European Games
On July 11, a march devoted to the first European Games to be held in 2015 in Baku took place in Cannes. Vice-president of the Heydar Aliyev Foundation Leyla Aliyeva too participated in a march which took place in the famous Croisette Boulevard of the city of Cannes.
At the end of the march, a ceremony of rewarding the winners took place. They were presented honorary diplomas and a travel ticket to Baku to watch the first European Games to be held the next year. Chairperson of the first European Games’ Organizing Committee Mehriban Aliyeva presented the award to winner of the first place Maxons Vadelin.
Then a lottery was conducted among the participants of the march and the winner of an electric car - a gift from the Heydar Aliyev Foundation – was determined.
A concert of jazz music
On July 11, a concert by young jazzman Isfar Sarabski took place at the Festivals and Congresses Palace of Cannes within the framework of the Days of Azerbaijani Culture.
Azerbaijan’s First Lady, President of the Heydar Aliyev Foundation Mehriban Aliyeva attended the concert.
Fashion show entitled “From Traditions to Future Azerbaijan Glamour” and presentation of Azerbaijan’s national cuisine
On July 12, a fashion show entitled “From Traditions to Future Azerbaijan Glamour” by world-renowned fashion designer Renato Balestra took place in the French city of Cannes.
Azerbaijan’s First Lady, President of the Heydar Aliyev Foundation Mehriban Aliyeva attended the ceremony.
Presentation of the project started with demonstration of a documentary reflecting its philosophy and history of creation. Then a collection made by Renato Balestra based on Azerbaijani national dresses was presented.
Azerbaijan’s national dress patterns have widely been used in over 40 samples of dresses made by Renato Balestra for this collection. Carpet motifs, as well as fire and pomegranate elements have been abundantly used here.
Objective of the project is to eternalize Azerbaijan’s national traditions and values, support national ornaments’ integration into modern fashion, at the same time, create unity between the Eastern and Western cultures.
Then presentation of Azerbaijan’s national cuisine took place.
The Days of Azerbaijani Culture held in the French city of Cannes with the organizational support of the Heydar Aliyev Foundation has received coverage on Euronews TV Channel. The concert and exhibition organized within the framework of the Days of Azerbaijani Culture was talked about in the plot devoted to the event, and it was noted that the main exhibition...