September 15, 2009

Mehriban Aliyeva inaugurates secondary schools in Shuvalan and Turkan settlements after capital reconstruction

2 secondary schools in Shuvalan and Turkan settlements of Ezizbeyov district, Baku were inaugurated September 15, the Day of Knowledge, after capital reconstruction on the initiative of Heydar Aliyev Foundation.


Secondary School No.237 in Shuvalan settlement that was built in 1964 has capitally been reconstructed in frame of the New School to New Azerbaijan Project of the Foundation. The School has for the first time been repaired in such a high level. 


During familiarization with the School last March President of Heydar Aliyev Foundation Mrs Mehriban Aliyeva stated necessity for repairing the School that was under bad conditions. For the short time the building was repaired according to the modern standards and supplied with new equipment due to support of the Foundation. 


Large and light lobby includes photo stands reflecting care of national leader Heydar Aliyev, President Ilham Aliyev to children, also state attributes. The School has become one of the modern educational complexes in the country with a rich logistics. All cabinets have been equipped with school supplies and posters developed within the Support to Education Project of the Foundation. The School is named after martyr Ilgar Muradov, the graduate of the School. Bust has been set in the yard of the School to the martyr. Environs of the School has been renovated, a stadium created here.


President of Heydar Aliyev Foundation Mrs Mehriban Aliyeva was warmly welcomed by teachers and pupils, presented flowers.


M.Aliyeva was familiarized with the 3-floor, 1200-seat School that has 33 classrooms. There are observation-control cameras on every floor. Infrastructure of the School, which has been computerized and assured with Internet access, has been renovated.   

The President of Heydar Aliyev Foundation inspected the canteen, 150-seat assembly hall. The School has a large gym available for all disciplines. In the labor cabinet Mrs Aliyeva congratulated pupils on the new school year, saying all conditions have been created for them at the School.


After familiarization with the School Mrs Mehriban Aliyeva said:


- I once again congratulate you. This school meets all requirements now. I would like to mention again that when we were here 9 months ago we saw, - and there are photographs in the stands, - and perhaps you also remember that this school was under bad conditions.  


But nice circumstances have been created now for both children and teachers. School construction is intensively underway in Azerbaijan. 1800 new schools have been built and launched for the past 6 years. I am specially pleased that all schools in Shuvalan settlement of Ezizbeyov district, - there are 3 big schools here, - have been repaired and reconstructed in the highest level. I am glad every time I visit Ezizbeyov district, the settlements. All settlements have completely been changed, the district renovated for short time.


Teachers expressed gratitude to M.Aliyeva.


A photo was taken in the end.




The same day, Secondary School No.262 in Turkan settlement was opened after capital reconstruction.


In frame of the New School to New Azerbaijan Programme of the Foundation the School, which was not repaired for long for nearly 40 years of its construction, has fully been renewed, its logistics improved, every circumstance has been created for children and teachers.


President of Heydar Aliyev Foundation Mrs Mehriban Aliyeva was familiarized with the 3-floor School. In the lobby there are photo stands reflecting statehood actions of national leader Heydar Aliyev and President Ilham Aliyev, state of the School before ad after repair.


Mrs Aliyeva was informed the 1176-seat School has 42 classrooms, large and light cabinets, well-equipped physics, chemistry, computer and other cabinets. Mehriban Aliyeva was acquainted with the canteen, inspected products for pupils. In the labor cabinet M.Aliyeva noted pupils must learn different trades.


The School has an up-to-date gym available for handball, gymnastics and other disciplines. A modern sport ground has been created in the yard of the School at the Foundation’s initiative.


After familiarization with the School President of Heydar Aliyev Foundation Mrs Mehriban Aliyeva met with the staff of the School.


Teachers highly accessed care and attention Mrs Mehriban Aliyeva, who has been elected to Milli Mejlis from Ezizbeyov district, renders to her electors, wished her success and health.