March 7, 2012

Mehriban Aliyeva familiarized herself with a newly built child clinic of the National Oncological Centre

First Lady of Azerbaijan, President of the Heydar Aliyev Foundation Mehriban Aliyeva familiarized herself with a newly built child clinic of the National Oncological Centre, March 7.

Mrs. Mehriban Aliyeva was presented flowers.

One of the primary duties of each state is to ensure healthy future for its people. It is the result of the socially-oriented policy found by   our national leader Heydar Aliyev and successfully continued today by President Ilham Aliyev that health of children – our future – is paid so much attention. First Lady of Azerbaijan, President of the Heydar Aliyev Foundation has made great contribution to this work. Care and attention towards children, in particular, mattes associated with their health is one of the priority issues in the activity of the Foundation. “Life without Thalassemia”, “Care for children suffering from diabetes” and other programs are among the projects being implemented by the Foundation in the sphere of public health.

The putting in operation of the Child Clinic of the National Oncological Centre is a very essential work aimed at solving the most serious problems of public health. The Clinic will perform a very significant function in struggle against after-effects of Oncological diseases in children, which is one of the global problems of the contemporary medicine.

Assistance provided by one section with 10 beds at the Republican Child Hospital could not cover a big part of children suffering from Oncological diseases. Construction being started in 2009, the Child Clinic of the National Oncological Centre is now ready and has four stories. There is also a children play-ground created with special taste in the clinic’s yard. Total area of this public health establishment is 5,200 square meters. This clinic differs from other public health establishments by its view as it was designed for children. There is a policlinic section and various diagnostic rooms on the first floor, by 30-bed treatment sections on the second and third floors, and surgery block and resuscitation section. There is also a conference hall, archive and service rooms at the Clinic.

The Clinic has been supplied with centralized air conditioning, fire protection and communication systems, as well as surveillance cameras to ensure security.

The putting into operation of the Child Clinic of the National Oncological Centre is an essential step towards solution of problems in this sphere.

Director of the National Oncological Centre, academician Jamil Aliyev informed the First Lady of Azerbaijan that there were some 1000 children with Oncological disease in the republic. With the opening of the clinic, there will be no need for these children to receive treatment abroad.  The Child Clinic of the Centre has been designed and constructed as a medical establishment meeting the state-of-the-art requirements. Walls of the corridors at the clinic have been decorated with pictures of various fairy tales and animation movies’ heroes to ensure that children felt themselves comfortably. And this has made the conditions at the Clinic similar to those of a home and created a non-hospital environment. The list of all medicines is shown on the monitors installed in the Clinic’s foyer.

First Lady of Azerbaijan Mehriban Aliyeva familiarized herself with conditions created in operation and resuscitation sections. There are two operation rooms here. These rooms have been equipped with up-to-date anaesthesia apparatus, laminar air stream, functional operation table, and up-to-date medical devices. Fire-resistant walls have been mounted here. The resuscitation room is continuously under control using special equipment. There is the most up-to-date artificial breathing device in this section. Monitors show a patient’s blood pressure, cardiogram, body temperature, in one word, all life parameters of a patient.

There is an express-laboratory at the clinic functioning 24 hours a day. Children are administered high-dosage medicines at this medical establishment. For this reason, they give analysis every four hours in order to check absorption of medicines by organism. The primary objective of this laboratory is to prevent generation of other pathologies in patients.

There is a kitchen and a laundry on each floor of the clinic. Visitors can meet with children in recreation rooms. There are many in-patient rooms at the clinic. There is a separate bath-room, TV set and necessary conditions to receive treatment in each room of the child section equipped to the tastes and ages of children. There are also conditions for parents to stay with their child in rooms.

It should also be mentioned that if patients with Oncological and haematological diseases up to 15-16 years of age (paediatric age) appeal to the clinic in time, their complete recovery would be possible.

There are manipulation rooms in each section of the Clinic for bone marrow, lumbar functions and biopsy. These rooms have been created for both diagnostic purposes, and also to investigate into efficiency of the treatment. In order for children to fully recover, it is essential that they pass chemical therapy during 1 to 2 years.

Provision has been made also for study of patients of school age.  Study rooms equipped with computers have been created for them. Study rooms have been set up in order to ensure that children are not isolated from education during their treatment at the Clinic.

Preschool age children will receive treatment in the child section. Play and study rooms here have been created according to preschool children’s needs and interests.

Mrs. Mehriban Aliyeva met at the Clinic with 2-year old Nuray Abdulrahmanova, who received treatment at the Clinic, and her mother, and inquired about the little patient’s health condition. Nuray from Gakh district had been operated eight months ago at Zarifa Aliyeva National Ophthalmology Centre with the diagnosis of eye globe retinoblastoma. An implant was put in her eye.

The President of the Heydar Aliyev Foundation talked with Nuray, gave her a present and wished her quick recovery.

Another patient of the clinic is 11-year of age Zubanda Khalilova. Zubanda from Ujar is receiving treatment of nasal and gullet carcinoma. During conversation with Zubanda, Mrs. Mehriban Aliyeva wished her quick recovery, return to school, and gave her a present. Zubanda’s mother said all conditions have been created at the Clinic, and expressed her gratitude for it. Then they were photographed.

A special passage-way has been built for children needing radiotherapy to go to bunker, where the radiotherapy equipment is located, without leaving the building. Specialists working here were trained in Germany and Turkey. Linear amplification radiotherapy has been equipped with 3-G device.

In the magnetic resonance tomography room, pathologies in skull-brain, abdomen, soft tissues and bone are identified using a special apparatus.

In X-ray-control room, it is possible to get the most precise indices of lungs, gullet, stomach and intestines and abdomen using a digital X-ray apparatus.

First Lady of Azerbaijan Mehriban Aliyeva congratulated the team of the new clinic and wished them success.

Then they were photographed.