May 13, 2009

Representation of Heydar Aliyev Foundation in Russia holds soiree on the 86th birthday of national leader Heydar Aliyev

Representation of Heydar Aliyev Foundation in Russia arranged soiree on the 86th birthday of national leader Heydar Aliyev at the Eastern Literature Center of the Russian State Library in Moscow. 


Opening the event Director of Russian State Library Viktor Fyodorov said Heydar Aliyev did a lot for USSR, Azerbaijan and Russia-Azerbaijan relationship. The highest value to actions of Heydar Aliyev will be set by the history. ‘It is obvious that the cornerstone laid by Heydar Aliyev bases on wisdom of a statesman having a comprehensive idea of modern geopolitical situation and a person cordially loving his homeland’, he noted.


Chief of section at Public-Political Affairs Department of Azerbaijani President’s Office Fuad Akhundov thanked the library’s management for cooperation and said holding such an event at the Russian Library in honor of the anniversary of national leader Heydar Aliyev’s birthday is of symbolic sense, since Heydar Aliyev gave huge contributions to development of culture, moral perfection, maintenance of the united cultural arena. Figures of culture and intellectuals of Russia know it well. He talked of multilateral activity of the national leader covering economic and social life of people in Moscow, works done by Heydar Aliyev Foundation and its Russia Office that organize charity actions, perform projects related to education and youth.


He said: ‘Heydar Aliyev saved the country and laid foundation of modern Azerbaijan. Head of our state Ilham Aliyev successfully continues works started by the national leader. Azerbaijan is in the same line with the most advanced countries. It all was possible thanks to Heydar Aliyev who brought the people together, mobilized the country’.


Speakers recalled with great love the great leader of Azeri nation who left deep impressions on people, evaluating meeting and communicating with Heydar Aliyev as the brightest and unforgettable moments of their life.


Honor figure of art of Azerbaijan and Russia Janna Dozortseva said: ‘Heydar Aliyev was very nice, sincere and kind person of high culture. He was unique in intellect and rich knowledge’.


Yuri Solodukhin, aide to Heydar Aliyev when he worked as first deputy chairman of the Soviet of Ministers of USSR, said: ‘Working with Heydar Aliyev was a school to all. He was a political figure with special working style and whose action has practical results. His great and unique intellectual potential was displayed in his wide outlook. Heydar Aliyev paid great attention to culture and moral development. Everyone remembers that he achieved allocation of money from budget to film industry and helped completion of construction of the new building for Tretyakov Gallery. He was a great political figure. Heydar Aliyev’s greatness was confessed when he was alive’.  


Chief of section at ‘Vestnik aktualnykh prognozov’ magazine Lyudmila Lavrova noted Heydar Aliyev was great as he understood as a statesman the importance of development of cultural-moral ties: ‘Protection of cultural-moral ties in Azerbaijan is the great service of Heydar Aliyev as a statesman, founder of new democratic Azerbaijan. His attitude to Russian language and literature, creation of Baku Slav University, opening of Azeri Language and Culture Center at Russian Linguistic University are best monuments to unforgettable memories of Heydar Aliyev’. Appreciating the serial books ‘Heydar Aliyev. Personality and time’ by Elmira Akhundova L.Lavrova called them valuable work containing unique materials on biography of Heydar Aliyev.


Talking of attitude of Heydar Aliyev to mass media representatives deputy chief editor of ‘Ekho planety’ magazine Valeri Jalagoniya said no soviet figure paid so much attention to journalists. Heydar Aliyev understood the role of mass media better than his colleagues at Kremlin.


Employee of state security service of USSR Georgi Pozdorovkin stated Heydar Aliyev was a real citizen, great son of his nation, devoted to his principles and fair. ‘Heydar Aliyev still serves his people, particularly the youth with his image and all his life’, he added.


Photo exhibition on national leader Heydar Aliyev’s life and activities and exhibition of 2 expositions – his life and actions and books published by Heydar Aliyev Foundation were arranged at the hall of the Eastern Literature Center.