September 16, 2009

Soiree dedicated to the Republic of Azerbaijan Organized in ‘Ramadan Tent’ in Moscow on Ramadan Holiday

Soiree dedicated to the Republic of Azerbaijan was arranged in ‘Ramadan Tent’ opened near the mosque in Poklonnaya Gora, Moscow. The event was organized by the Russian Muftis Board and Organization of Azerbaijani Youth of Russia due to support of the Moscow Government, Nadejda Culture and Education Foundation, also Embassy of Azerbaijan in Russia.  


Before the fast was broken, evening prayer was said in the event.


Opening the event Nigar Akhundova, Humanitarian Affairs Advisor of the Azeri Embassy in Russia, said: ‘It is very nice that not only Azerbaijanis, our sisters and brothers having come from Azerbaijan, but also representatives of other nations are present in the tent opened during holy Ramadan. This is quite eminent fact, because in Azerbaijan too we live so warmly. The main religion in our country is Islam, vast majority of population believes in this religion, however there is huge respect to other religions in Azerbaijan, all believers have equal rights. Particularly in the past years, churches, temples, synagogues are also built and restored in Azerbaijan beside mosques. As you know, catholic church has been constructed in Baku. Its plan was coordinated with the Pope of Rome personally. So we can say the society in Azerbaijan lives today in solidarity, peace, mutual respect and tolerance’. The spokeswoman of the Azerbaijani Embassy expressed gratitude on behalf of the Ambassador and the Republic of Azerbaijan to the Russian Muftis Board for giving an opportunity to invite a lot of people to the event and let them speak. N.Akhundova thanked the Organization of Azerbaijani Youth of Russia and Head of the Organization Leila Aliyeva for organizing the event in the high level.   

Participants of the event recited Koran, a cultural and educational programme dedicated to the Republic of Azerbaijan was presented.