June 13, 2006

I International Conference `Medicine and Pharmaceutics in Medieval Manuscripts` continued in Baku

I International Conference `Medicine and Pharmaceutics in Medieval Manuscripts` organized by Heydar Aliyev Foundation and Washington Sciences Academy was continued in Baku on June 13.

On the second day of the conference the participants stated big attention is paid in Azerbaijan to protection of ancient legacy and its delivery to future generations, activity of the country leadership in this field highly valued. It was underlined President of Heydar Aliyev Foundation, MP Mrs Mehriban Aliyeva who was elected UNESCO Goodwill Ambassador for contributions to protection and development of verbal folk literature and musical legacy of Azerbaijan possesses big prestige at this international organization.


Health minister Ogtay Shiraliyev, culture and tourism minister Abulfaz Garayev, director of ANSA History Institute, MP, professor Yagub Mahmudov, rector of Medical University, academician Ahliman Emiraslanov, ophthalmologist Chingiz Jarullazade, guests Ibrahim Purhadi (USA), Ali Heydar Bayat (Turkey), Mark Mirsky (Russia), Jean Pierre Tricot (Belgium) and others talked of the role of UNESCO in world written legacy protection, medicine, illustrations in ancient manuscripts. Lectures were delivered on `Baku manuscripts collection in UNESCO World Memory Program`, `Translation of medicinal texts in Middle East in middle ages`, `On medieval Azerbaijani doctors and their manuscripts` and other themes.


The conference is continued.