May 26, 2012

Visit of winners of international essay contest “I Discover Azerbaijan” to Azerbaijan continues

Visit of 18 winners of international essay contest “I Discover Azerbaijan”, held among physically handicapped schoolchildren at the age of 9-18 in Eurovision Song Contest 2012 participant-states, to Azerbaijan organized by Heydar Aliyev Foundation at the initiative of First Lady of Azerbaijan Mehriban Aliyeva continues. 

The winners of the international essay contest declared by Heydar Aliyev Foundation visited the Museum of Modern Art, May 26. They were informed the Museum displays about 1000 works, basically in vanguard style, by prominent and young Azerbaijani artists and sculptors from second half of XX century up to date.

Children were familiarized with the works by people’s artists of Azerbaijan Sattar Bahlulzadeh, Boyukagha Mirzazadeh, Elmira Shahtakhtinskaya, Tahir Salahov, Omar Eldarov, Nadir Abdurrahmanov, as well by genius classics such as Pablo Picasso, Salvador Dali and Marc Chagall.

Designed by well-known artist Altay Sadygzadeh, the Museum demonstrates up to 800 paintings and more than 200 sculptures. The Museum’s library has nearly 800 books on art.

Then, the winners got acquainted with Icherisheher, where they were informed about the Icherisheher State History and Architecture Reserve, one of the unique patterns in the universal town planning art, also of the repair and improvement works carried out here.

During the tour in electromobiles, children received historical information on Icherisheher, Maiden Tower, Gosha Gala Gapysy and a square nearby.

Afterwards, children had a rest on the shore of Caspian Sea. They noted they will never forget amazing Baku, the care and attention shown to them.

Children, together with 5 winners of the essay contest from Azerbaijan, will also attend the finale of Eurovision-2012.

The Baku trip of the winners of the international essay competition will end on May 27.