Heydar Aliyev Foundation holds New Year celebrations in "Gulustan" palace for orphan, refugee, IDP children as well children who are differed with their education in different secondary schools, trained in children`s homes and boarding schools. Thousands of children were invited to festivals.
On January 3, President of Foundation, spouse of Azerbaijani President, UNESCO Goodwill Ambassador Mehriban Aliyeva partook in next celebration, was with children for a few hours, shared their joy and pride.
Participants were impressed by show of film which reflected that our nationwide leader Heydar Aliyev used to celebrate Day of Solidarity of World Azerbaijanis and New Year in different years with children.
Feelings of gratitude in faces of children gathered in hall, adults accompanying them for Heydar Aliyev Foundation, its President Mrs. Aliyeva, who gifted this holiday to them, were felt clearly. This mood was lifted by congratulations of presenters, joyful jokes of personages. The same day, majority among participants of celebration were children of refugee and IDP families, our little compatriots who are in need of daily care, trained in children`s homes and special schools.
Masters of art, young talents encouraged celebration with their joyful songs and dances. Happiness of children joining the dances, showing their skill and admiring the miracles was endless. Because interesting performances of famous artists, clowns, magicians were addressed just to them. Interesting contests were arranged in festival, winners presented rewards and gifts of Heydar Aliyev Foundation.
One of unforgettable moments was arrival of Santa Claus and Snow Maiden to grandiose palace.
President of Heydar Aliyev Foundation MRS. MEHRIBAN ALIYEVA made a speech in celebration:
- Dear children, dear parents, dear teachers! I cordially congratulate you. I wish you health, new successes and happiness in 2005. I know that each of you has dreams in your heart. I wish all your dreams to come true in this new year. Today there are reps of refugees and IDPs in this "Gulustan" palace. Your desire is most saint desire of every Azerbaijani, every Azerbaijani citizen. I wish this desire to come true in new year first of all.
We - Heydar Aliyev Foundation tried much, wanted so much to make this day a real holiday for you. I feel that we managed to achieve it. I once again congratulate you cordially, kiss all you. I promise to meet often this year. Happy Holiday!
Spouse and daughters of Azerbaijani President were with children till the end of celebration.
Celebrations to be held by Heydar Aliyev Foundation will continue with new participants on December 4. At the end of celebration Mrs. Mehriban Aliyeva gave interview to journalists:
- I liked it so much. I am very happy that we held such a holiday. Goal of Heydar Aliyev Foundation was to hold good celebration for children. I feel that they are pleased much, they are happy. They have fun, dance. It was my desire and I achieved it. I promised to meet often with these children. Heydar Aliyev Foundation has a program. It is assistance program for orphan children and children living in hard circumstance. I attended 4 schools - two children`s homes and two boarding schools on the eve of New Year. I will go to all such schools in Azerbaijan, have acquaintance with their circumstance and situation. Then general program will be created and they will be helped. That is why I have promised and will keep my promise. Happy New Year!