Ceremony of solemn opening of the Baby House №1 in the Nasimi district Baku after major overhaul and reconstruction, carried out due to means of the Heydar Aliyev Foundation has taken place on September 7. Tutors, residents of the adjoining quarters cordially met the president of the Fund, UNESCO Goodwill Ambassador Mehriban Aliyeva.
Mehriban Aliyeva has assigned flowers to Heydar Aliyev`s the portrait in the foyer.
The building constructed in 1930, long years was not under repair, therefore, has come, as a matter of fact, to unsuitable condition. Having familiarized in February of this year with the condition of building, Mrs Aliyeva recommended beginning major overhaul due to means of the Foundation. For the expired period, the building, as a matter of fact, has been constructed anew. The House was completely updated, waters, gas, light were well equipped, and repair works have been done even in adjoining buildings, on roads. The Baby House also has been completed with the modern equipment.
Managing the Baby House Nahayet Aliyeva informed that 67 deprived of parental cares, thrown children in the age of till 3 years are brought up in the House. They all are healthy and on a regular basis pass medical inspection.
Touring the premises, the Foundation`s President paid special attention to quality of repair, the equipment, interested in norm of feed allocated for every child, the organization of health services, the condition of food maintenance, has noted that the necessary assistance would be rendered to solve the lifted questions.
Mrs Aliyeva was very happy for full recovery of broken clutch of Orkhan who was newly given to the House in her previous visit to the House, took interest in health of twin sisters Fatima and Zahra.
Chief Executive of the Nasimi district Tahir Guliyev has told about the repair works implemented on the initiative of Mehriban Aliyeva and due to means of the Foundation in boarding schools and children`s homes, said district residents welcome the activity of the Foundation.
Birthday of Gunel, 2, became a real holiday. Paste with two burning candles that was made in honor of this beautiful baby, whose parents are not known, dances to the sound of rhythmic music, songs made all the babies happy. Cordially sharing joy of infants, Mrs Aliyeva together with her daughter Arzu fed with their hands Gunel and her friends with paste, sweets.
Employees of the Foundation presented the children gifts reflecting the logo of Heydar Aliyev Foundation, toys, packages of food. Teachers impressed of this sentimental scene expressed best wishes to Mehriban Aliyeva and her husband, President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev, highly valued the maternal care and attention of President of the Foundation to children homes and boarding schools of the republic, said this care and attention cause joy and consolation of thousands of families. They deeply thanked Mrs Aliyeva for cordially having a part of her day with babies.
Fragment from the video of the meeting great leader Heydar Aliyev held 3 years ago with children was shown on TV set placed in the hall of the House, following words of national leader were sounded: `All you are my children, I love as my own children, I consider you my own children. Children of Azerbaijan are national wealth, future and hope of our country and people`.
Mehriban Aliyeva asked and recommended collective of the Baby House not to forget precepts, ideas of the national leader, great personality Heydar Aliyev, to raise attention to children requiring in special care, to realize their noble trade. Besides, she has emphasized that the work spent within the framework of the Program "Development of children`s homes and boarding schools", developed by the Heydar Aliyev Foundation would continue and henceforth.
Mrs Mehriban Aliyeva was photographed for memory with members of collective before the portrait of great leader Heydar Aliyev.