February 12, 2012

Support to people suffered from snow and storm in Romania

Upon instruction of President Ilham Aliyev of Azerbaijan, the state of Azerbaijan has provided humanitarian aid to population in remote regions of Romania damaged by heavy snow and storm. In frame of the aid campaign declared to meet the daily needs of people in the regions paralyzed, the Romania Office of Heydar Aliyev Foundation, Azerbaijan-Romania Bilateral Industry and Trade Chamber, also Azerbaijani companies operating in this country provided food, medicine and warm clothes to the victims. The assistance was organized by the Embassy of Azerbaijan in Romania. 

This noble step taken by Azerbaijan, which has always helped Romania to remove the consequences of natural disasters, is assessed as an important sign of the friendship and strategic partnership between the two countries. 

The quick reaction of the Azerbaijani government to the challenges of Romania for the humanitarian help and its charity action have highly been valued by the people and public in Romania.