May 1, 2012

Heydar Aliyev Foundation launches a programme of series of humanitarian projects in Pakistan

An event to present the series of humanitarian projects carried out by the Heydar Aliyev Foundation in Pakistan was held in this country, April 30. 

The event was organized at the Marriott Hotel by the Saifullah Foundation for Sustainable Development under the Saif Group.

Members of Pakistan`s Senate and National Assembly, state and government officials, representatives of diplomatic corps accredited in Pakistan and journalists were present in the event.

Azerbaijan`s Ambassador to Pakistan Dashgyn Shikarov spoke of large-scale projects realized in Azerbaijan at the initiative of First Lady, President of Heydar Aliyev Foundation Mehriban Aliyeva, and stressed that Foundation works in many spheres of life.

The Ambassador stated the Heydar Aliyev Foundation has constructed a number of schools, hospitals, Thalassemia Center, music colleges, mosques and implemented a couple of cultural heritage protection projects. The diplomat underlined that Azerbaijani First Lady Mehriban Aliyeva initiated reconstruction of the school for girls in earthquake-hit Muzaffarabad in 2005, humanitarian and medical help rendered to people suffered from the quake.

Talking about the programme of the series of social welfare projects launched by the Heydar Aliyev Foundation in Pakistan, the Ambassador said the first stage aimed to provide hepatitis B vaccinations for the Edhi Home residents, open-heart surgeries for poor patients through the Kulsum International Hospital, Islamabad, support for Akbar Care Institute for Cerebral Palsy, Peshawar, medical and welfare support for Women`s and Children`s Hospital, Ghaznikhel and educational stipends for students selected by the Saifullah Khan Trust. Also, open heart surgeries will be performed for women and children in Ghaznikhel by famous surgeon, general of medicine Vakar Ahmad.

The Edhi Home Foundation covers 300 centers, including 8 hospitals, the diabetes, eye and cancer clinics, orphanages and the elderly homes, which bring together tens of thousands of elderly and 50.000 children. At the hospitals, free of charge birth of 1 million babies has been accomplished, 20.000 abandoned children saved, 40.000 medical nurses trained. 

Chief Executive Officer of Kulsum International Hospital Hoor Yousafzai stressed social welfare projects carried out by President of Heydar Aliyev Foundation Mrs Mehriban Aliyeva are of paramount importance to the Pakistani people. The CEO mentioned tens of thousands of Pakistanis are infected with hepatitis B virus yearly and thousands die of this disease. H.Yousafzai said a number of Pakistanis suffering from cardiovascular deficiency are deprived of the corresponding surgical operation because of financial lack and emphasized the humanitarian aid rendered by First Lady of Azerbaijan Mehriban Aliyeva will save the life of hundreds.

Chairman of Saif Group, former minister of trade and petrol of Pakistan Saifullah Khan thanked President of the Heydar Aliyev Foundation Mrs Mehriban Aliyeva and the Azerbaijani people for the care to the Pakistani children. Saifullah Khan recalled his visits to Azerbaijan and meetings with President Ilham Aliyev, national leader Heydar Aliyev and state officials of Azerbaijan.

The event was highlighted by the Pakistani mass media.