May 29, 2012

Kidney transplantation has been performed in the Gabala Treatment and Diagnostics Center on the initiative of Heydar Aliyev Foundation

The first kidney transplantation has been performed in the Gabala Treatment and Diagnostics Center on the initiative of Heydar Aliyev Foundation.

In the charity action accomplished on May 28-29, kidney of close relatives were transplanted into 4 persons with hemodialysis – 43-year-old Nasiba Alizamanova from Khachmaz district, Barda district resident Elekber Jabbarov, 25, Elchin Gadirli from Terter district, 18, and 46-year-old Arzu Babayev, Gazakh district.  

Performed by 20-person medical staff led by Mirjalal Kazymi, the Chief of the Surgery and Organ Transplantation Department at the Central Oilmen Hospital, 8 operations were success. Now, all the patients feel good and they will be discharged after getting 3-5-day cure at the Center under the control of the high-qualified physicians. 

Suffering for long from chronic renal disease, these patients were examined before the operation at the laboratories of the Central Oilmen Hospital. The relatives of the patients expressed gratitude to President Ilham Aliyev and President of Heydar Aliyev Foundation, Goodwill Ambassador of UNESCO and ISESCO, MP Mrs Mehriban Aliyeva for assisting to the cure of the people with chronic kidney disease for free. 

M.Kazymi said high conditions exist at the Gabala Treatment and Diagnostics Center that has been functioning since 2008 for kidney transplantation and other serious surgical operations. His medical personnel has accomplished 25 kidney transplantations in Baku, Nakhchyvan, Shamakhy, Jalilabad, Guba and Gabala, including 13 in regions. Besides, liver transplantation, the most difficult surgical operation, has been performed on 21 patients at the Central Oilmen Hospital under his leadership.