August 13, 2012

Iftar receptions were hosted at childrens’s homes of Pakistan

The Pakistan Sweet Home Foundation operating under the secretariat of the Pakistani Prime Minister hosted an iftar reception for 1200 residents of 11 children’s homes located in different towns of the country at the initiative and with the support of Azerbaijan’s First Lady, President of Heydar Aliyev Foundation Mehriban Aliyeva. 

The solemn ceremony organized in the town of Barah Koh was attended by Pakistani First Lady Nusrat Pervez Ashraf and her daughter, Prime Minister’s Advisor Shahnaz Vazir Ali, the Pakistan Sweet Home Foundation CEO, well-known politician Zamurad Khan, members of the Pakistani National Assembly, officials of the Azerbaijani Embassy in Pakistan and representatives of leading TV channels of the country.

The event provided detailed information about humanitarian, educational and healthcare projects carried out in Azerbaijan and abroad on the initiative and due to the support of Mehriban Aliyeva and noted the construction of a school for girls in Pakistani town of Muzaffarabad which suffered from earthquake. It was also noted that as part of the series of humanitarian aid programme in Pakistan, the Heydar Aliyev Foundation has carried out medical examination and vaccination against HBV for children at Edhi Home for the destitute, organized a free medical examination for persons in need at the Akbar Care cerebral paralysis institute in Peshawar, held open heart surgeries at the women and children's hospital of Lakki Marwat district of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Province, purchased an ambulance equipped with modern blood transfusion equipment and laboratory and 2000 blood transfusion packages for the Hamza Foundation (Peshawar) and provided financial support to the construction of a new building for the Khyber Eye Foundation.

Attending the reception as an honor guest, First Lady of Pakistan Nusrat Pervez Ashraf expressed deep gratitude to President of Heydar Aliyev Foundation Mehriban Aliyeva for the projects carried out in Pakistan and for the iftar dinner organized for destitute children in the month of Ramadan, and underlined that this action is a great moral support for inhabitants of the children’s homes.

In her address, Advisor of the Pakistani Prime Minister Shahnaz Vazir Ali highly valued the large-scale action organized by Mehriban Aliyeva, and called on other organizations to join this initiative. Addressing the event, CEO of the Pakistan Sweet Home Foundation Zamurad Khan thanked Mehriban Aliyeva for sharing her Ramadan happiness with destitute children.

During the concert, attendees of the ceremony were interviewed live on PTV, the public TV of Pakistan. Each child received a gift in the end of the event.