October 29, 2012

Following the Heydar Aliyev Foundation’s initiative, over 30 thousand poor people in Pakistan were distributed meat in connection with Gurban Bayram

Following the initiative of First Lady of Azerbaijan, President of the Heydar Aliyev Foundation, meat of 250 heads of sacrificial large- and small-cattle in Lakki Marvat region of Pakistan’s Tayfalar area and 100 heads in Baraka-ho, Said-Pur and Hari-Pur villages of the Punjab region was distributed to over 30 thousand poor people. 

Chairman of the Senate’s Foreign Affairs Committee Seyfullah Khan, former oil minister of this country, well-known  politician Anvar Seyfullah Khan, senator Osman Seyfullah Khan, member of the National Assembly Humayun Seyfullah Khan, political and religious heads of the region participated in a ceremony organized on the occasion of the Gurban Bayram.

Salim Seyfullah Khan talked of the friendship and brotherhood relations between the two countries, Armenian-Azerbaijani, Daghlyg Garabagh conflict and Pakistan’s position towards this problem.  The speaker highly appreciated the holding of such an action by the Heydar Aliyev Foundation in a region of Pakistan, which regularly faces terror attacks and is economically poorly developed,  and underlined that this was an obvious example of true friendship and brotherhood relations. It was informed that the action is not only material support for residents of the region with grave living  conditions and facing always danger, but its is also great moral support.

Ambassador of our country to Pakistan Dashgyn Shikarov congratulated participants of the event on behalf of the state of Azerbaijan on the Gurban Bayram and delivered his best wishes. The diplomat gave comprehensive information of the large-scale projects implemented by Mehriban Aliyeva both in Azerbaijan and in foreign countries. It was informed that, within the series of the humanitarian actions held by the Heydar Aliyev Foundation  in Pakistan, a school for girls was built in Muzaffarabad city of Kashmir, works on vaccination were carried out against the Hepatitis B virus in this country’s Khayber province, treatment of cerebral paralysis was organized in clinics of this province, a special laboratory was provided along the Pakistani-Afghanistan border for the purpose of free-of-charge blood transfusion, an ambulance car was presented, material aid was provided for the construction of an eye clinic and Iftar meals were organized in all provinces of Pakistan for orphans.

On April 30 of this year, the Ambassador paid a visit, within the framework of the Holiday, to the child and women hospital in the city of Lakki Marvat financed by the Heydar Aliyev Foundation, and distributed Holiday gifts on behalf of Mehriban Aliyeva to patients being treated there, and the medical staff.