September 17, 2010

Next action by Heydar Aliyev Foundation for children with diabetes

The next project was started for children with diabetes due to support of Heydar Aliyev Foundation. 


Within the joint project by Heydar Aliyev Foundation and Sanofi-Aventis Company, 400 packages of Apidra insulin medicine containing 2000 injection pens were distributed to 200 persons under 18 with type 1 diabetes from low-income families, September 24.


Republican Endocrinology Center and Children's Hospital of Endocrinology 6, as well as physician-endocrinologists from the cities of Sumgayit and Absheron will be involved in the project.


The project is aimed at providing patients suffering from type 1 diabetes with drugs and, if necessary, holding the necessary medical examinations and six-month medical supervision.


Prior to the project presentation, kids visited the Heydar Aliyev Museum-School in Yasamal district and saw here photo stands reflecting life and activity of the national leader.


Afterwards, the project was presented.


Heydar Aliyev Foundation Executive Director Anar Alakbarov said the Foundation, which always cares about social problems of society, takes close part in solution of population’s health problems. Heydar Aliyev Foundation cares for children at children homes and boarding schools, come from martyr, refugee, IDP and poor families, as well as children affected with different diseases.


The Executive Director dwelt upon the Highest Care for the Children with Diabetes Project the Foundation launched in 2004. Since then, the Foundation has annually provided kids under 14 with insulin cartridges and pens. The Foundation joined the World Diabetes Campaign in 2007 on the initiative of UN. Heydar Aliyev Foundation organizes summer schools for psycho-social rehabilitation of children with diabetes. In 2004-2010, the Foundation took measures to assure surgery and examination of up to ten thousand people in Azerbaijan and abroad.


Sanofi-Aventis Company representative provided information on the drug, replied to questions from parents.


Then, Apidra insulin medicine was presented to children.


Greetings from President of Heydar Aliyev Foundation, Goodwill Ambassador of UNESCO and ISESCO Mrs Mehriban Aliyeva were conveyed to children at the event.