

Heydar Aliyev Foundation arranged on March 22 at QUEEN Entertainment Center of Elite Trade Center Novruz celebrations for children deprived of parental care trained at children homes.More than 300 children were present in the festivity.Executive director of the Foundation Anar Elekberov congratulated the children on behalf of Mrs Mehriban Aliyeva...


Reps of Heydar Aliyev Foundation visited on March 18 the house 9 for insanes, invalids and elderly of Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of Population in Buzovna settlement of Azizbeyov district, arranged the holiday table on behalf of Mrs Mehriban Aliyeva, President of the Foundation, UNESCO Goodwill Ambassador, MP, presented Novruz gifts to each of 217 peoples.

Opening ceremony was held in Girili village of Astafa district for the 240-seat new school building constructed by initiative of Heydar Aliyev Foundation within `New school to new Azerbaijan` program.Addressing the ceremony, head of the district executive power Jumshud Musayev, education employees, parents and pupils expressed gratitude to President Ilham Aliyev...

`Junction of distinctive cultures - Azerbaijan` exhibition was opened on March 2 at Muslum Magomayev Azerbaijan State Philharmonic. Organizers of the exhibition are Heydar Aliyev Foundation, Chagh Oyretim Ishletmeleri Shirketi, and the ministries of education and the culture and tourism.First, executive director of Heydar Aliyev Foundation Anar Elekberov read...

International Conference `Islam and Youth: Education, Science and Enlightenment` held in Baku by organization of Heydar Aliyev Foundation, Education Ministry, International Islam Charity Organization and Kuwait State Departments and Islam Affairs Ministry was continued on March 2.Lectures were listened in the first half of the day on `Role of the Islam values in globalization...