

Representation of Heydar Aliyev Foundation in the Russian Federation organized a big charity action for disabled children in Moscow with participation of the Russian Azerbaijan Youth Organization and the Russian Public Youth Organization ‘World of the Hearing Impaired’. More than 300 children with physical defect and their family members were invited to the event...


The new building built on the initiative of Mrs Mehriban Aliyeva, President of Heydar Aliyev Foundation, Goodwill Ambassador of UNESCO and ISESCO, MP, was constructed in place of old one destroyed by earthquake in October 2005. Pupils of the School, which was rendered quite unsuitable by the quake, were taking lessons in tents and outdoor.


President of International Olympic Committee Jacques Rogge visited Heydar Aliyev Foundation on February 6. The distinguished guest was informed of establishment and activities of Heydar Aliyev Foundation. It was noted main goals of the Foundation is to study and propagate rich political legacy of famous political figure Heydar Aliyev, create an obvious idea in foreign visitors and future generations on his ...

In frame of her visit to Saint Petersburg, Leila Aliyeva, head of Representation of Heydar Aliyev Foundation in the Russian Federation, visited a children home-school in Primorsky administrative district. She was met by first deputy head of Primorsky district administration Vladimir Omelnitsky and director of the School Lyubov Katayeva...


Saint Petersburg is ready to support every humanitarian project of the Heydar Aliyev Foundation’s Representative Office in Russia and promote its active operation in the northern capital of Russia. These words were said by Governor of Saint Petersburg Valentina Matvienko in the meeting with Leila Aliyeva, head of the Representative Office of the Foundation in Russia, February 2...