Charitable events and actions

A holiday festivity was held at the Palace of Culture named after A.Amirov in Garadagh district’s Lokbatan settlement for the disabled, orphans and low-income families. The festivity was arranged with support from the Heydar Aliyev Foundation and Garadagh district Executive Authority on the occasion of the World Azerbaijanis Solidarity Day and the New Year. Santa Claus, Snow Maiden...


Charity actions were held in connection with the New Year, following the initiative of Vice-president of the Heydar Aliyev Foundation, head of the Foundation’s Russian Representative Office Leyla Aliyeva, in Moscow and more than 25 regions of Russia. The Russian Representative Office of the Heydar Aliyev Foundation treats children deprived of parental care and diseased children...

Following the Heydar Aliyev Foundation’s initiative, enlightenment actions are continued within the framework of  the “Clean Qala” wastes sorting project being implemented by “Clean City” Open Type Joint-stock Company in Qala settlement. Enlightenment actions have been taken during September to December of this year for pupils of secondary schools at Qala...


The Representative Office of the Heydar Aliyev Foundation in the Russian Federation and the All-Russian Congress of Azerbaijanis (ACA) organized a New Year festivity at the Baku Cinema in the Russian capital for children being brought up in Moscow’s children homes, December 19. Various entertainments organized for children in Christmas trees were decorated...


On 1-2 December, a child festival called “CONIL FEST 6th Edition” was held in the city of Bucharest to mark Romanian’s national holiday. Organized with support from “CONIL” Association, the festival was attended by 1500 physically and mentally disabled children being educated in kindergartens and schools of Bucharest, Vrancea, Piteshti and Constanta cities of Romania...