International exhibition “From Waste To Art” was launched at the Qala State History and Ethnography Reserve by Heydar Aliyev Foundation, Icharishahar State History and Architecture Reserve Department and Tamiz Shahar JSC, June 1. The exhibition showed works made of domestic wastes.
Delivering the greetings from First Lady of Azerbaijan, President of Heydar Aliyev Foundation Mehriban Aliyeva to the participants of the event, the Foundation’s spokesman Ilgar Mustafayev talked of the importance of the environmental and social projects. He mentioned series of actions were taken by the Foundation’s initiative to protect environment and such projects started just in Qala settlement. One of those projects is the actions taken under the motto “One Person One Tree” that continues for 3 years already.
Chairman of Tamiz Shahar JSC Board Zakir Ibrahimov said not all wastes are useless, adding we must pay much more attention to the environmental protection.
Talking of a number of programmes and projects implemented in Azerbaijan in this sphere, Z.Ibrahimov said population plays bigger role in waste management. According to him, 5 of the artists represented in the exhibition are Azerbaijanis.
Chief of Icharishahar State History and Architecture Reserve Department Mikayil Jabbarov said works done in the past years in the cultural and social fields in Azerbaijan are rapidly growing. He mentioned Heydar Aliyev Foundation plays a special role in this direction. Valuing the attention Tamiz Shahar JSC pays to ecology and environment as a model to private sector, Mr Jabbarov mentioned such exhibitions should be held traditionally.
The exhibition is organized in Qala settlement not by chance. At the initiative of Heydar Aliyev Foundation, Tamiz Shahar JSC has for 2 years been implementing a pilot project in this settlement to conform the waste management system to modern standards. The project aims to collect, transport and reprocess wastes in the settlement.
The key goal of the exhibition is to divert people from overuse and throwing their things in dustbin rashly. The exhibition featured the works made of the most simple and useless materials – wastes.
Creating the works of art of wastes is assessed as “alternative art”, a protest against stereotypes and rules. Using metal, paper, plastic mass, rubber and other domestic wastes, masters in this sphere have created interesting and educative works.
The exhibition displays handworks made by artists from Azerbaijan, Germany, USA, Estonia, Romania, Lithuania, Georgia, Belarus and other countries of paper, equipments, motor window, tyre, glassware, metal and other wastes. These works were presented in compositions such as “Carpet”, “Golden Waste”, “Upholstered Furniture”, “Motorcycle”, “Palette”.
The exhibition will be open by June 10.