October 31, 2015

Leyla Aliyeva attends the 6th Forum of the Azerbaijani Youth Organization of Russia held in Moscow

The 6th Forum  of the Azerbaijani Youth Organization of Russia (AYOR) took place at the International Trade Centre in Moscow, on the topic of “AYOR: for the sake of worthy future for the youth”, October 31. 


Vice-president of the Heydar Aliyev Foundation, AYOR’s chairperson Leyla Aliyeva participated in the Forum’s activity.


A photo-exhibition devoted to AYOR and IDEA’s (International Dialogue for Environmental Action) activities is opened in the foyer, and the Heydar Aliyev Foundation presented its publications and national garments related to the 19th and 20th centuries. 


Leyla Aliyeva shared her opinion of the Forum with Russian correspondents: “I’ve always  been greatly pleased with being in Russia ... Many Azerbaijanis, including young Azerbaijanis, live in Russia. The objective of holding this conference is to unite these young people and help them integrate into the Russian society”.


Leyla Aliyeva said issues concerning education and environment would be discussed at the Forum: “Environment is very important for us. I know that Russia too, as our own country, has been paying special attention to protection of the environment. We want to have broader cooperation with Russia in this sphere. Moreover, subjects of culture and sports, in one word, all issues that the youth is concerned of will be touched upon at the Forum.”


First, a documentary about AYOR’s activities was shown. 


Leyla Aliyeva addressed the Forum.


Minister of youth and sports of the Republic of Azerbaijan Azad Rahimov, minister of education of the Republic of Azerbaijan Mikail Jabbarov, deputy chairperson of the Russian Federation Council Ilyas Umakhanov, chairperson of the Russian Duma’s committee for CIS issues Leonid Slutski, Russian President’s special representative for humanitarian affairs Mikhail Shvydkoy, ambassador of the Republic of Azerbaijan to the Russian Federation Polad Bulbuloghlu, department head of the Moscow Government Vladimir Chernikov,  rector of the Russian State Humanitarian University Yefim Pivovar, and student of the Moscow State International Relations Institute Polad Talybov addressed the Forum. 


At the end of the Forum, a ceremony took place to reward winners of the contests held by AYOR, and activists of youth organization. Leyla Aliyeva presented diplomas of “A-student of the Youth Union“ to distinguished Azerbaijani students studying at Russia’s higher schools. 


The Forum continued its work in sections.  Attendees – representatives of the Azerbaijani Diaspora and of the Russian youth organizations - participated in sections on such topics as “Azerbaijan and calls of the new era”, “IDEA – one world, one future”, “Be an ambassador of justice”, “Development of tourism and ethnography as a means of patriotic and moral-ethic education of the youth” and “Youth’s career development: entrepreneurship and the path leading to  success”, and held discussions.