On December 28, the Heydar Aliyev Foundation arranged traditional festivity for children on the eve of the World Azerbaijanis Solidarity Day and the New Year.
First Vice-president of Azerbaijan, President of the Heydar Aliyev Foundation Mehriban Aliyeva, Vice-president of the Foundation Leyla Aliyeva and Arzu Aliyeva attended the festivity.
Mehriban Aliyeva addressed the festivity:
- Dear children, respected teachers and parents.
It has been already 15 years that we have been welcoming new years, seeing off and saying goodbye to past years.
The year 2018 was very significant for our country. A hundred years ago, the people of Azerbaijan established the Democratic Republic of Azerbaijan, the first democratic republic of the Muslim world. This year, we celebrated the 100th anniversary of the Democratic Republic of Azerbaijan both in our country and in a number of foreign countries at the highest level.
The Democratic Republic of Azerbaijan lived a short life. However, in the course of this short period, steps were made and decisions taken that were very important for our people and country. A multiparty parliament started to function, our country’s flag was introduced, first secular school for girls started to operate, and Azerbaijan’s National Army was built. This year, we also celebrated the 100th anniversary of the Azerbaijani Army. The grandiose parade organized on the main square of our country on this occasion showed once more that the Azerbaijani Army is among the strongest armies of the world, capable and ready to perform any duty. We also celebrated this year, the 100th anniversary of Baku’s liberation.
The high-level organization of these events, with their glorious place in the country’s history, show that independent Azerbaijan has been developing, making great achievements. Today, Azerbaijan is a strong and powerful state. Azerbaijan has its worthy place on the world map. Azerbaijan is a country having a say, and protecting its own interests. We believe that you, today’s children, today’s youth, would make your contribution in future to the development of Azerbaijan, strengthening the country’s independence.
Looking back to the year 2018, which we are seeing off, we see that the country’s development is continuing with rapid pace. A number of important project were implemented this year, new reforms launched. In the report issued by the World Bank, Azerbaijan is listed among the ten reformist countries. This year, we celebrated the commissioning of the “Southern Gas Corridor” project and its constituent part TANAP pipeline that have been playing a significant role in ensuring the energy security of our country, as well as of the region and Europe. This year, we also launched the second telecommunication satellite “Azerspace-2” into the cosmos.
When it comes to the social sphere, I should say that the state of Azerbaijan has been pursuing a socially oriented policy. Solution of social problems has always been a focus of attention for the state and government of Azerbaijan. In the course of the last two years, over 5000 refugee and IDP families were temporarily provided with new houses, and apartments. Construction, repair or reconstruction of schools, kindergartens, construction of Olympic Sports complexes are continuing. Seeing all these achievements, the works done, we are inspired to work more efficiently, serving our people in a more efficient manner.
Dear children, you should be aware that living in a country such Azerbaijan means happiness. Azerbaijan is a peace-loving and stable country, and we will always defend our independence, stability and security. All the works done, steps taken are for your future happiness. Our primary objective is to see you in future spiritually and physically strong, well-educated citizens worthy of Azerbaijan.
Dear children, dear parents, dear friends. I am hopeful the year 2018 was successful for you, and it will remain in your memories with pleasant moments. I would like to convey my endless love for every child of our country. Dear teachers, I would like to thank each of you. I want to thank our talented people of art that each year support the Heydar Aliyev Foundation, participating in this festivity in Buta Palace and creating this festive mood.
Dear friends, I want to thank you on the World Azerbaijanis Solidarity Day and the New Year, wishing you sound health, successes and happiness, and peace to the people of Azerbaijan. May God always protect Azerbaijan! May the sky above the Azerbaijani land always be open, peaceful and clear! Thank you very much!