
On the eve of Children Protection International Day a ceremony of presenting the National Public Award 2005 was held for the first time within project `Let us pay attention to every child` on May 29 at Muslum Magomayev State Philharmonic in order find out the organizations and persons functioning in field of study and settlement of children problems, propaganda and protection of children rights.


Ms Noeleen Heyzer, Executive Director of the UN Development Fund for Women /UNIFEM/ paying a visit to the country visited on May 26 Heydar Aliyev Foundation. The guest was widely informed of the photographs taken from personal archive of the national leader covering separate eras of his life and activity. N.Heyzer viewed with big interest numerous pictures reflecting the very various moments ...

President of Heydar Aliyev Foundation, UNESCO Goodwill Ambassador, Member of Parliament Mrs Mehriban Aliyeva was granted `Turkish World Love and Friendship Envoy of Year` Award, one of `People in Top-2005` awards founded by `Kanal 7` TV Channel and `First Business` Journal of Turkey. Ceremony of presenting the award took place at `Kaya Ramada` hotel in Istanbul and broadcasted ...

Book `Heydar Aliyev Foundation - 2005-2006` was gracefully published in Azeri and English. The book begins with `FOREWORD` of Mrs Mehriban Aliyeva, President of the Foundation, UNESCO Goodwill Ambassador, MR: `2 years pass since the establishment of the Foundation named after genius person of Azerbaijani people, wise statesman, architect and constructor of our independent state ...

Exhibition of works of the late talented artist Azada Aliyeva was organized on May 18 at Vajiha Samadova Exhibition Hall by Heydar Aliyev Foundation, Culture and Tourism Ministry and Artists Union. In the exhibition organized due to an anniversary of the death of the late artist more than 100 works were on display in all genres of fine art. Addressing the opening people`s artists - chairman of Artists...