Social sphere


The Pakistan Sweet Home Foundation operating under the secretariat of the Pakistani Prime Minister hosted an iftar reception for 1200 residents of 11 children’s homes located in different towns of the country at the initiative and with the support of Azerbaijan’s First Lady, President of Heydar Aliyev Foundation Mehriban Aliyeva...


June 1 – International Children’s Day was solemnly celebrated in the Heydar Aliyev Memorial Park in the town of Lankaran. A concert of children educated at preschool educational institutions in the town, settlements and villages was presented here. Children in national costume sang songs, danced and said poems. The festivity continued at the Othman Mirzayev Children’s Home...


Humanitarian assistance was rendered to children’s home “Luminitsa” for mentally retarded children in Sector 2, Bucharest on the occasion of Easter due to support of Heydar Aliyev Foundation, April 20.Humanitarian assistance was rendered to children’s home “Luminitsa” for mentally retarded children in Sector 2, Bucharest on the occasion of Easter due to support of Heydar Aliyev Foundation, April 20.

Novruz celebration was organized for handicapped children in Sahil settlement, Garadagh district at the initiative of Heydar Aliyev Foundation.The party brought together 120 children from Special Boarding School No.9 in Sahil settlement and ‘Mushfig’ Public Union for Help to Disabled Children...

Charity event was held in Sabirabad district due to support of the Heydar Aliyev Foundation, March 17.Martyr families, WWII veterans, the disabled from the Garabagh war and Chernobyl participated in the event organized on the occasion of Novruz Holiday. Head of Sabirabad District Executive Power Nazim Ismailov congratulated the attendees on Novruz ...