
President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev and Mrs Mehriban Aliyeva were familiarized on November 1 with construction at building of Slavyanka International Secondary School built on initiative of Heydar Aliyev Foundation. Construction of 260-seat school started this August. Next stage of construction works implemented by more than 30 local residents is about to end...


Mrs Mehriban Aliyeva, President of Heydar Aliyev Foundation, UNESCO Goodwill Ambassador, MP, visited Hazrati Zeynab Mosque in Ganca on October 31, in frame of the visit of President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev to the western districts of the republic. This holy sanctuary has been reconstructed by initiative of President of the Foundation Mehriban Aliyeva...


Mrs Mehriban Aliyeva, President of Heydar Aliyev Foundation, UNESCO Goodwill Ambassador, MP, arrived in Paris to attend the event on Azerbaijan Day held under the title `Azerbaijan: On the Junction of Cultures and Civilizations` in frame of `Dialog Among Civilizations` week dedicated to the 60th anniversary of UNESCO. At UNESCO residence Mrs Mehriban Aliyeva was sincerely welcomed...


President Ilham Aliyev paying a visit to Guba district arrived on October 7 to Gachrash village secondary school named after Ibrahim Shahmardanov. The President and his spouse were sincerely welcomed here. Director of the school Samaya Maharramova informed the President 397 children attend to the 240-seat school built on initiative of Heydar Aliyev Foundation. 23 teachers work at the school.

Opening ceremonies of the 120-seat school building constructed in frame of `New school to new Azerbaijan` program of Heydar Aliyev Foundation, as well new buildings of the 240-seat technical and humanitarian lyceum and History Museum built according to the State Program for regions socio-economic development were held on September 30 in Balakan district.